Fernando Lloret Vieira
Diamond group
Department of Applied Physics
Summarized CV:
Fernando Lloret is physicist from the University of Seville with a PhD in Physics obtained at the University of Grenoble-Alpes with a joined supervision with the University of Cádiz. He began his research career in 2012 working on SiC growth of materials by MBE (Greece, FORTH) and switch in 2015 to homoepitaxial growth of diamond by MPCVD in Grenoble (France). In 2017 he begins a postdoc at the University of Cádiz on the characterization by TEM and FIB of diamond epitaxial structures in alternance with a second postdoc in the in Hasselt (Belgium) at IMOMEC, an institute associated to IMEC, with work based on the growth of diamond by MPCVD for electronic and quantum applications. Currently he is lecturer at University of Cádiz working on MPCVD growth of diamond and on the TEM/FIB characterization of such structures for power electronic applications.
- C/ República Saharaui s/n. Campus Puerto Real, Facultad de Ciencias